Hi there, Angga here!👋


I'm a frontend developer, with 3 years of experience in software development. I've been involved in various projects either within the company or as a freelance. Specialists in Reactjs and its awesome frameworks are Nextjs or Remix Run.

Turning user interface into user smile-face, software engineer with a passion for developing an attractive experience and make user interactions better than a sunset on the beach for web applications.

Code wrangler, testing the limits of logic and sanity, debugging errors and designing executable solutions, it's all in a day's work for me. Debugging errors is my superpower, I'm here to execute code solutions and make the world a better place.

I don't know all the tech, but I'm learning the ropes to make the world more awesome, but excited to make a difference, one bug fix at a time, Let's solve the world's problems together!

Reach me out